
Before we started our therapy with you, Frieda was having to see her Vet Acupuncturist/Chiropractor pretty much every other week for an adjustment due to her neck going out to the degree that she was in pain & I was having to give her anti-inflammatory & herbs  ( & freaking out with worry!!) & that has not happened ONE time since we started (at SplashDog) last November.
I believe so strongly in what you are doing. I have been trying to get the word out to all doxie parents that this is far & away the best preventative for IVDD & the potential surgery or paralysis that can happen.
Like anything new, it takes people a awhile to get used to the idea & accept it, but please know that I am your biggest cheerleader & am daily thankful for what you have done for Frieda!!!! You have no idea!!